Concrete Soul PARS574

concrete soulSteven Anthony and Steven, Jr. from Concrete Soul join Bill on Episode 574 to discuss their band, music, and more. They are from Beaver County, PA.

featuring music from: Silk 9, RatRod, Concrete Soul, Royal Honey, Dying Breed

Interview Segment 1 with Concrete Soul

  1. Where did the name Concrete Soul come from?
  2. Who would you cite as your band’s individual influences?
  3. What band would you book to play a BBQ at your house?
  4. What would you sell your soul to the devil for?
  5. Which Concrete Soul song should survive to help re-populate the Earth after an apocalyptic event?
  6. What band would you go back in time to follow around and hang out with?
  7. What is it like to be on stage with a family member?
  8. Tell me about an embarrassing moment that someone else had on stage.

Interview Segment 2

  1. If we played a Concrete Soul song backwards, what would we hear?
  2. What glam rock era band would you have back up your solo project?
  3. What 3 other bands would you take on an international tour with you?
  4. If you can play in any location with any band or artist, who and where?
  5. What is your favorite venue to play at?
  6. What music would I need to bring with me, if my job during your international trip was to keep the music playing between shows?
  7. What was hte worst concert that you attended?
  8. Can you pinpoint the moment when you knew that you wanted to be a musician?
  9. What is one thing about the music scene that you wish you could change?
  10. What is up next for Concrete Soul?