Rat Rod PARS623

Rad RodRat Rod makes another appearance on the Pennsylvania Rock Show, after being on various episodes.

Featuring music from: Theriaca, Leprosy, Ghosts of the Day, The Borstal Boys, Rat Rod, Scattered Hamlet

Interview Segment 1 with Rat Rod

  • It has been a while since we last chatted, besides the new single that we’re going to feature tonight, what has been going on in the land of Rat Rod?
  • How was the Philadelphia scene affected by the pandemic, and how did your band ride it out?
  • What bands from the Philly scene would you take out on  tour with you?
  • When did you know you wanted to play in a rock band?

Interview Segment 2

  • Who is your Dave Grohl?
  • What’s up next for Rat Rod? Who are you playing with at Casey’s Bar next Friday in Pittsburgh?
  • Where can the listeners find you online?