570 Press PARS497
Alonna Weaver (Eyes of the World and 570 Press) sits down with Bill to discuss the 570 scene and her band.
Segment 1 with 570 Press
- Why is your Web ‘Zine called 570 Press? What would you call what you do?
- Tell me a little bit more about the area that you support, what is it about that area that has you wanting to support the music scene?
- What are some bands that we should check out?
- If you were going to create a band from the local scene to manage, who would be in your band?
- If you could sit on a bench for a hour and discuss music with any musician, who would it be and what would you discuss?
- If you could pick one album to erase from your memory and hear it for the first time again, which album would you choose?
- What is something about the 570 scene that you love and one thing you want to change about it?
- Where did you go to college?
- How did your affiliation with DI Records come about?
Segment 2 with Alonna
- If you were given an “Almost Famous” assignment, which band would you want to follow and write about for a magazine?
- What is something that someone in the music scene would be surprised to learn about you?
- Tell me about an embarrassing moment that you or a bandmate had on stage?
- If a band from my side off the state came to your side of the state, what venues should they play?
- Tell me about the moment that you realized that you wanted to be in a band.
- There’s a catastrophic event that wipes out almost all the humans on earth, which 2 bands from the 570 area code should survive?
- If you had to pick your favorite music website, what would it be?
Rocky Lamonde of The Borstal Boys & Music from the 412 PARS755