Steve Hawk PARS570
Steve Hawk makes his second trek on the Pennsylvania Rock Show on episode 570.
Featuring Music from: Fubar, Forgotten Nobody, Steve Hawk, Brad Abbott, Highway Louie
Interview Segment 1 with Steve Hawk
- You re-released Forgotten Nobody’s’ album, Missing Screws, recently. What brought that about?
- Can you tell me about the day you knew you were going to be a musician?
- What has been the coolest moment that you’ve had because of music?
- With things finally starting to open back up, what venues can you not wait to play again?
- You get to setup an international tour for yourself, what 2 or 3 other bands from our scene are you taking with you?
Interview Segment 2
- Who is your Dave Grohl?
- What is something you wish you could do to help further the scene?
- You have to choose a backing band for your next album, but it has to be a band from the disco age.. who is backing you?
- You’re a professional baseball player and you need a walkup song? What song do you walk to the batters box to?
- Where can our listeners find you online?
- What’s up Next?