Get Outta Town: JJ McGuigan

JJ joins us to discuss his upcoming EP, his writing process, how he became a songwriter & more. He also discusses how he came to be a MTS artist. He talks about how they choose the people that will join him in the recording studio to record new songs. We discuss the music scene in Wichita, KS and the venues preferences for cover tunes over originals. He talks about taking some mini-tours up and down the Mid-West between Chicago and Austin. We talked about different venues that he has played in and things that have stood out to him over his career.

Where to find JJ:
Official Website
Bio: JJ McGuigan was born in Wichita Kansas where he currently resides. He found a passion for music at the age of 13 when he received his first drum set. He later picked up guitar and started writing songs at the age of 20. He attended Newman University where he played for the Men’s basketball team and was an assistant coach there while attending Full Sail University. His main focus and passion is writing songs with an emphasis on lyrical creation. He has just recently wrapped up a 5 song EP that was co written by Garrett Crow and is writing another album with Brian Elwick.

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