rex theater

Slam Band and Sam PARS560

Joining Bill for the first time is Slam Band & Sam (except there isn’t really a Sam?!?!) We started off with everyone introducing themselves. Featuring music from: Royal Honey, Steve Hawk, Slam Band & Sam, Dan Stonerook, The Whelming Waters, The Bail Jumpers Segment 1 with Slam Band & Sam Where did the band name…

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Shrouded in Neglect

Nate Kepner of Shrouded in Neglect made is first trip to the Pennsylvania Rock Show tonight, and yes ladies and gentleman, that means this is a metal show! We talked about where the band name came from (this was a new one for me) and how the band formed. We talked about a few other metal…

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Alter the Design

Alter the Design dropped by to catch up with what’s been going on with them since we last spoke to them. We talk about which song they would like to survive the apocalypse. We talk very quickly about about Rock for Life 19. What would an Alter the Design song sound like backwards? forward? What…

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