Theriaca PARS615

TheriacaKyle, guitarist and vocalist of Theriaca joins Bill to introduce us to his band.
  • Where did the band name come from, and what does it mean?
  • Bill talks about a “history lesson of music” and the Low Life Drifters song, Chasin’ the Devil – If you were standing at the corner of a crossroads waiting to sell your soul to the devil, what were you selling your soul for?
  • If you could take a DeLorean back in time, what time would you go to and what band would you hang out with?
  • Which Theriaca song should survive the apocalypse and help repopulate the Earth?
  • Tell us about your track, Souvenirs.

Interview segment 2

  • Who is in your band?
  • Who is your Dave Grohl?
  • What is the best pizza that you’ve had because you are in a band?
  • What would we listen to between show stops on a Theriaca tour?
  • What is coming up next?
  • Where can you be found online? Theriaca