Trainwrecked PARS606
Trainwrecked joins Bill for episode 606 of the Pennsylvania Rock Show.
Featuring music from: The Fall of Me, Winter’s Descent, Black Flower Season, Anxiety at Best, Greywalker, Feast on the Fallen
- How did you come up with the name Trainwrecked?
- There is a apocalyptic event and only one of your songs survives to help re-populate the Earth, which song would it be?
- You have access to a DeLorean, what band are you going back in time to hang out with?
- Your musical idol sits down beside you on a bench, but you’re only allowed to ask one question.
- For some reason, you agree to let me drive on your first major tour. What is the soundtrack of our trip going to be?
- What would you sell your soul to the devil for?
- What non-traditional venue would you like to play at?
- Who is your Dave Grohl?
- What is the best pizza that you’ve had because you were in a band?
- Make a band from the local scene to manage. who would you have in the band?
123 pleasant street attila bent willies kerry king lamb of god linkin park rush slayer slipnot steve harris trainwrecked