Wounded Moose PARS513

Wounded MooseDan joined Bill for a second go at it, for Episode 513 to discuss what’s been going with his solo act and his band, Wounded Moose.

  • What have you been up to, besides the quarantine situation?
  • What have you missed out on due to the stay at home order?
  • Have you used this time to do any writing?
  • Tell me what Wounded Moose is going to once we can get out? What is the game plan? Are you calling venues that you haven’t played at before?
  • Tell me a bit more about Wounded Moose.
  • What is your favorite place to play? Least favorite?
  • How would you describe the sound of Wounded Moose?
  • Where can we find Wounded Moose online?
  • What is your favorite cover to play? Least favorite?
  • If they were to make a cartoon episode about you, what character would play you? What actor would play you?
  • When you put out music, do you think the CD is still the way to go, or digital and streaming?
  • What would be something you fans would be surprised to know about you?
  • What is your dream gig?
  • What is the big venue, that if you played it, you’d know you’ve made it?
  • What band would you end up in, if the movie Rock Star was about you?
  • If you were going to build an allstar band to manage, who would you put in the band?
  • If you could sit on “that bench” for a hour and talk to one person, who and what would you ask?
  • If you were in my position, what big rock star would you want to interview?
  • What is the first thing you are doing, once we’re allowed to do “things” that are non-essential?