Dragonfly Effect 3QS097


Dragonfly EffectIntegrating elements of punchy and heavy alternative rock with emotive vocal hooks , screams, heavy guitar riffs and breakdowns, DRAGONFLY EFFECT has developed a sound that transcends across many genres.

With layers of spacey synths, sound effects, and artificial voices, the music is humanized, giving it a life of its own that coincides with the dystopian backstory they have conjured. DRAGONFLY EFFECT, the band, materialized in early 2021 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

With the release of their debut single, LOST INSIDE, on 3/11/22, DRAGONFLY EFFECT has begun its ascent into the vastness of the music industry. Across all platforms, LOST INSIDE has been streamed more than 20,000 times thanks to growing numbers of THE RESISTANCE and everyone who has seen the potential of DRAGONFLY EFFECT, to share and stream the release.

The Questions

  • Is “Infected” part of an upcoming project?
  • Who is your Dave Grohl?
  • Out of Motley Crue, Def Leppard, and KISS.. who would you want to hear new music from?
  • If you could sit down with any songwriter from the history of the world, who would it be?
  • Dragonfly Effect has a bit of a story line, can you talk about that?
  • How did the collaboration with Chad Szeliga, formerly of Breaking Benjamin, come about?
  • Where did you record, “Infected” at?
  • Tell us about an unique origin story for one of your songs. – asked by Hannah of Woodland Creatures on Episode 96.
  • What does Dragonfly Effect have coming up?
  • Where can our listeners/viewers find you online?

About the Song

INFECTED is our latest single which carries a lot of weight and impact & has performed the best out of all of the others that we have released.

We have my good friend Chad Szeliga, former Breaking Benjamin drummer, on the track & it’s a dream come true for me, seeing as I grew up listening to Chad in BB.

The song carries a lot of meaning for me and it’s one of my faves lyrically, just because there’s a lot of power and pain in the lyrics. They really make you think and feel.

The one line that stood out for me is – “There’s blood in my lungs from screaming your name” – Just that line… man… When you really think about it and get down to it, is a VERY powerful line.. The mental imagery is harrowing, considering the implications associated with having blood in your lungs… Not good! Haha

And having that happen from crying out for someone so much, it’s a real gut punch.

Chad and I collaborated on the lyrics for this track and it was an honor writing with him. He had some similar experiences and was able to relate to the track very much so and shared the lines he had written.
The end result wound up being a heavy hitting song of which I & imagine Chad is very proud of ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3ynI7GbXis

Because you enjoyed this episode…