Folk You

Folk YouRuben Alan David & Muskie of Folk You met Bill at the Leechburg Moose 102 (thanks!) to do an interview on this episode, and afterwards they recorded one of their Guerilla Folk Videos on the Leechburg Walking Bridge.
What they talked about during the first segment of the show:

  • The origin of the band name.
  • How they decide where to record a Guerilla Folk Video, and how many times they have done it.
  • Describe your costumes (and back story).
  • Ruben tells us about the song, Folk You, which the performed live for the show as well.

Topics covered in segment 2:

  • We discuss the bands that Muskie and Ruben Alan David have been in/are in.
  • Ruben does an amazing job talking about Rock for Life.
  • Folk You gets to tell us what they love about the scene and what they would like to change.
  • They tell us something that their fans would be surprised to know about them.
  • Ruben then surprised Bill, but actually having an embarrassing moment on stage to talk about.
  • Muskie and Ruben tell us about their favorite bands from the scene, and their love for the original music in our area.
  • What happens when you play Folk You backwards?
  • What song that you’ve been involved writing, would you want to survive history?
  • We also talked about doing one of their Guerilla Folk Videos: Video of Folk You performing on the Leechburg Walking Bridge after the interview

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