Strike True Promotions PARS655
Mike from Strike True Promotions joins Bill on episode 655, to introduce his scene company.
Featuring music from: Victoria Fire, Leprosy, Trainwrecked, Meaning in the Static
- What do you do as Strike True Promotions?
- What other venues have you booked at?
- Where is Green Beacon Gallery at in Greensburg?
- What shows do you currently have booked?
- Where are you going in time, and what band are you hanging out with?
- What 4 people from the history of the world are you going to have sit down at a dinner table with you?
- What is the best pizza that you’ve had because you work in the music scene?
- What local musician’s music should survive an apocalyptic event and help re-populate the Earth?
- Either or:
- Ozzy or Dio?
- Sammy or DLR?
- Who is your Dave Grohl? Who would you want to book at one of your shows that is a big name?
- Your musical idol sits down beside you, who is; and what 1 question are you asking him?
- What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve seen happen on stage to a band?
- What is a non-standard venue that you would like to book some bands at?
- What made you decide to start Strike True Promotions?
- How can people find Strike True Promotions?
- If they were going to make a cartoon with your company in it?
Skies of Terra Release Dreamcatcher PARS756