The State of Entertainment

tmelogoWhat is the state of local entertainment going into 2016? For those of you that may not know Tony Marinacci of Total Entertainment & Entertainment passed away on September 2, 2015. He was an important figure in the history of the Pennsylvania Rock Show. Tony was instrumental in teaching me how to run a sound board on his own for the live performances that took place in the early years of the show. Tony made suggestions on things such as what bands to play, what equipment to buy, & so much more. But more, much more than that, Tony was Bill’s friend. One of the very last thing’s that Tony asked me to do was to keep his website online for a few years after he passed away. I agreed without hesitation.

The State of Entertainment

John "The American Hillljack" Lane

John “The American Hillljack” Lane

Now, I bet you’re wondering what this preface has to do with this post. Every year Tony would release a post on the news section of his website about the State of Local Entertainment. I want to pick of the reigns and continue it for him; however, I don’t feel that I am qualified to do it on my own. So I came up with a plan. I have asked a few people the same questions about the local scene. This article will allow you to read their thoughts. I have asked Brian Drusky (Drusky Entertainment), Chip DiMonick (Chip DiMonick Band, Londona, & Helping Hands Rock Reviews), John Klazon (Western Pennsylvania Local Music Scene), and Vinni Belfiore (Musicans Hotsheet), and Michael Stover (MTS Management Group) to help me tackle this in this article. You can also listen to John Lane’s (the Hellfire Club) answers to the questions in this month’s the Pennsylvania Rock Show. [ Read the Article on AK Music Scene ]

The Questions at Hand:

  • If you had to grade the local music scene in South Western PA throughout 2015 what grade would it receive and why?
  • What businesses in SWPA that deal with local music do you believe are succeeding with helping to build the scene and why?
  • What venues do you feel best supported local music in 2015?
  • How do you think the local radio stations did with supporting local music in 2015 and are there any specifics that you’d like to mention?
  • What bands that you’ve dealt with do you think epitomized the local scene in 2015?
  • How important do you think pressed cds are in 2015? Are digital downloads more valid in this day and age?
  • How would you grade the major local music scene in our area for 2015 (signed/formerly signed bands that come through here on tour) and why?
  • What non-music related entertainment companies/businesses would you suggest a visitor to SWPA should visit?

The State of Entertainment PARS342 by The Pennsylvania Rock Show on Mixcloud

Things we talked about:
F.U. Entertainment
Iron City Rocks Pittsburgh Music Awards