Whitethrash PARS591
Cody from Whitethrash joins Bill to chat about the band and all things music scene.
Interview Segment 1 with Whitethrash
- We chat about pirate bands and Johnny Depp.
- Tell us about your BPM challenge that you put out on Facebook. Starting a battle set?
- We chat about Six Speed Kill because Cody was wearing one of their shirts.
- Where did the name Whitethrash come from?
- Who is your Dave Grohl?
- If I’m driving the bus on a Whitethrash tour, what music is going to be our soundtrack between cities?
- We learn about the song, Eviction Notice.
Interview Segment 2 with Cody
- What band would you want to hang around with for a year, at any point in history?
- Where was your favorite pizza that you have eaten with your band?
- Bill talks about Buddy Guy’s Legends, again.
- What would you sell your soul to the Devil for?
- What is coming up next for Whitethrash?
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