John Lane PARS613

Interview Segment with John Lane
- Illusions of Grandeur was rescheduled for July 8th.
- We chat a bit about Walter Wright formerly of skell.
- John runs down the upcoming shows at Iselin Community Park including the Rock for Life Concert Series and the Salute for the Troops car show.
- John gives us the run down on the 2 bands that he fronts: Twelve Gauge Justice & The Hellfire Club.
- Bill does a little “podcast calendar” for the upcoming guests.
- John tells us about his podcast series.
- Bill mentions the Build the Scene Radio station sponsors.
- What is the best pizza you’ve had because you’re a musician?
- Dave Grohl… Alley?!?
- Would you come out of retirement to play the drums for the Foo Fighters?
- John learns about
Robbie Perrone’s World PARS758