Stone Wicked Souls 3QS021
String Harris of Stone Wicked Souls takes a shot at 3 Questions & a Song on episode 021!
- If you were talking to a potential fan, what would you tell them about your band?
- If you had the opportunity to record a track with a legendary musician as a guest, who would you bring in to sit in with you?
- BONUS QUESTION: I think we might have a mutual friend in Matt Ferrante?
- How did you come up with that name? It’s a cool name. I’ve seen a lot of band names, but I want to know how that name came about for that band. – asked by Miss Freddye in Episode 021
About the Song: Glass Houses
This song is about the hypocrisy in our social circles by placing judgment on human beings for simply sinning different than the herd.
A song that’s very personal to me, one that I actually had to pay a couple hundred dollars to argue with my engineer and at that time label owner over the best direction for the song.
About Stone Wicked Souls
Genre: Hard rock / stoner metal
City: Flushing, OH
Stone Wicked Souls is the crown of thorns placed upon the God of Rocks brow. With its influences consisting of Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Corrosion of Conformity, and Black Sabbath; its no wonder this band finds a way to defy all labels and secure itself in its own brand of uniqueness. Harnessing the spirits of their predecessors, this band definitely delivers itself in unapologetic power! Their live shows clearly communicate their effective musicianship and stage presence , solidifying their sovereignty , as the Ohio Valley’s best hard rock group.
In 2017 , courtesy of Supermonkey Recording Company, Stone Wicked Souls released its fourth EP ” Hollow”. Overindulgent and decadent, this collections of songs is a sonic sucker punch of guitar driven tranquility. Fan favorites like “dance of the dead” and “hollow”, show off this bands crowd inclusive arrangements, giving you the feeling of being apart of the show, as you sit back and soak it up through your headphones.
The thing that sets this group apart from most bands is their vocal driven melodies supercharged by a thick, bluesy, riff heavy rhythm section that can quench the thirst of heavy music fans of all genres. If you are looking for a memorable live experience, get out and attend a SWS show near you! Bryan Blake, Joe Conter, and Chris “String” Harris definitely find a way to create a melting pot from their influences and deliver exceptionally interesting classic/grunge infused grooves unlike any other group of musicians from their community.
In 2019, SWS released “drag of a ride”, produced and released by the band on their own label, Heathen Army Recording co.
Their first single ” Crown of Thorns” delivers a power punch of attitude and proves yet again, stone wicked souls cannot be defeated.
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