The Crowning

We starting things off making reference to Jack Black…I mean why not? Micah, of The Crowning,  gave us a look into how he became a musician by telling us about how he avoided rock music because his older brothers liked it. He told us about his music collection. Paula Abdul, Vanilla Ice…and a few other questionable albums haha. He cited Nirvana as a very influential band in his musical journey. He also talked about being influenced by Tool, K0rn, System of the Down, Disturbed, STP, Velvet Revolver, and more. Vertigo, no… not U2 but a stage moment that Micah had in his old band. Micah then goes on to tell us about his band mates and how they met, as well as, an odd story about a bass player that responded to his advertisement looking for band members. We talked about the way they’re releasing songs as singles instead of EPs or Albums and why. You really need to hear why, it makes sense to me and I never thought of it. We also took a moment to talk about a that The Crowning will be hosting in Stroudsburg on October 6th.

We then talked about their new song “Hard to Find” which you will hear on the show. Don’t forget to join their mailing list, they’ll send you some physical “stuff” in the mail. Lastly we discussed how the band name came about. (Unless you talk about the conversation about roads and temperature). Don’t forget to check out the Band Blast this weekend in Memorial Park in New Kensington!

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