7 Mile Run 3QS077
Brian Miller, Barry Little, Greg Orr, John Bodnar, and Ange (missing John Powell) of 7 Mile Run join Bill for their debut on 3 Questions and a Song.
- Where did the band name 7 Mile Run come from?
- We talk about cars for a bit.
- You find a DeLorean with its door open and a Flux Capacitor, what time are you going to and what band are you going to hang out with?
- If you could open for any band at any location… who, where?
- What is the best pizza that you’ve eaten because you’re a musician?
- Who is your Dave Grohl?
- Tell us about your song, Night to Remember
- If you had to build a band to manage from the local scene, what musicians would you include?
- They talk a bit about Keith Hawkins at this point.
- Where can the listeners find you online?
- What do you have coming up next?
About 7 Mile Run
Genre: Country
Location: Indiana, PA, US
7 Mile Run has been making music together for over 10 years while gathering the area’s top musicians and playing thousands of shows. The award-winning vocals of Brian Miller combined with the skilled musicianship of Johnny Bodnar (Drums), Barry Little (Lead Guitar), Greg Orr (Electric Guitar), Ange Giavedoni (Bass Guitar) and John Powell (Fiddle) are sure to please any crowd.
Notable upcoming shows: Jergels opening for the Outlaws June 8, 2022 8pm & Deuchtown music fest Friday July 22, 2022
About the song, Night to Remember
It’s a song about a guy on stage looking for the one. He’s been through all the girls that just want to be around him as a musician but wants the one person he’s meant to be with. If not he’s just playing a show and he’ll be a Night to Remember.
Robbie Perrone’s World PARS758